Bernice Templeman

🗣 BioSite

Bernice Templeman

Introduction to my recent projects.

The Rescue project is from Responsive Web Design with HTML 5 & CSS by Jessica Minnick.

HTML5 and CSS are used for the structure and style of web pages.

Wild Rescues needed a website to raise awareness about its mission. The project used a mobile-first approach to create a responsive website for mobile devices, tablets, desktops, and large-screen desktops. A template was used with the basic structure to create the web pages.

The website includes the following pages:

  • Home: includes Wild Rescues’ mission and purpose
  • About Us: includes video and a list
  • Partnership: includes a table
  • FAQ: future
  • Gallery: photos of rescues
  • Contact Us: includes a contact form

The latest project includes pictures of the viewport for large-screen desktops. Plans include adding pictures for mobile, tablet, and desktop. Additionally, other pages and projects will be added.

Recent Projects

Rescue home page
Rescue home page.
Rescue about page
Rescue about page.
Rescue gallery page
Rescue gallery page.
Rescue partnership page
Rescue partnership page.
Rescue contact page
Rescue contact page
Rescue about page with video
Rescue about page with video